About Me

November 30, 2020

Birthday Girl.

It was my birthday today. I wasn't actually looking forward to it. We'll all sequestered to home once again with this 2nd wave of Covid, with no end in sight. Back to no seeing friends and family and colleagues and neighbors. And no seeing my mom in her care home, where they have had 2 positive staff members. Those 2 are now better (just mild symptoms) and back to work, and so far, all negative testing for all staff and residents. But we can't see her until the restrictions are lifted. I'm not complaining, just sad. This made me teary this morning as all I wanted was to hear her sing me "Happy Birthday" in her sweet voice ....

Despite my reservations, this turned out to be the best birthday ever! It started with a pledge to NOT do any work today, to have a true day off. I slept in a bit, had a great work out in our little gym, a long, hot shower and then I spent the morning in the art studio, and working on things that just make me happy. Silly things really but for whatever reason, I feel good doing them. Laundry, sorting recycling, tidying drawers, putting things back in their places, creating new spaces for my dollhouses (all under construction!), writing, blog reading, writing Christmas cards, placing the items for painting on drop cloths in the guest room so I can paint soon, dusting, vacuuming and all of this while responding to the amazing messages of love and compassion on my FB and IG. Blown away by all the love! 

Tonight I was spoiled with amazing gifts and scrumptious ice cream cakes, after take out dinner as a treat. But the very best thing of all, the one thing that made me cry, was a video that my dh surprised me with of my mama singing me "Happy Birthday" from her care home. They videoed it on the weekend and even sent along the bloopers! So cute and made me so teary. All I wanted and I got it, though I had no idea!! Very thankful for this rag tag team of mine. The best family ever! They all put so much thought in to celebrations.

End of day now. A day I wasn't looking forward to turned in to a beautiful and very memorable day. I couldn't have asked for anything better, except for Covid to go away! 

Do you have a birthday coming up?
Or have had one recently?

~ Chy


Diane said...

Happy Birthday, Chy!


Chy said...

Thank you Diane! It was a great day.

X Chy

At Home In New Zealand said...

Happy Birthday! And I am happy for you that it turned out so well. What a thrill to be able to hear your mother singing after all. Family are so wonderful :) xx

Chy said...

It was such a treat! I will cherish this video of my mama singing to me forever!

X Chy