Living an authentic life in "Our Little Cottage In The Big Woods". Raising our children, creating art, writing, film making, fibre art, furniture painting, gardening, traveling, restoring vintage dollhouses, hunting for antique treasures & chasing our big dream to live by the sea, all on a frugal budget.
About Me
August 31, 2020
Future Project.
Changing Views.
New Toys.
Biking Memories.
August 30, 2020
Tiny Cottage.
Heart Window.
August 29, 2020
Next House Ideas.
Celtic Window.
Stormy Day.
Btoken Toe.
Sibing Bedtime.
August 28, 2020
24 Weeks.
August 27, 2020
Would You?
August 26, 2020
After the Festival.
August 23, 2020
Right Here ........ Right Now.
I love reading Debi's post each week on Sundays called "Right Here. Right Now" and asked if it was okay to join in and she said yes! So here's my version for this week. Follow hers on her blog: Barefoot Mom.
What I'm wearing .... my baby doll pj's. No sleeves. Short and sweet and very cool when it's warm at night!
What I'm reading .... all my favorite blogs for now but I'm almost finished Mary Trumps book.
What's happening in my kitchen .... dishes are done, groceries unpacked, fridge cleaned out, recycling done. Hope to make muffins tomorrow the fresh blueberries we bought today but we'll see how hot it is.
What's outside my window .... a gang of coyotes howling.
What I'm thankful for .... our health and our little cottage in a beautiful spot to live in.
What I'm smelling .... the candle that was lit earlier. The Fall scent is still in the air.
What I'm hearing .... dh is watching "Ocean's Thirteen."
What I'm crafting .... dollhouses, dollhouses, dollhouses ... too many now to keep up! I might have to retire from my job just to have time to work on all of them!
What's on my mind .... worries around Fall, back to school, Covid, our cottage ....
Words to live by .... "Don't worry until the worry is in your face .... " From a dear friend who is no longer on this Earth and truly never worried until the moment she had to!
Thanks for visiting.
Have a beautiful week!
~ Chy
Sunday Thoughts.
August 22, 2020
Hair No More!
Pup to Love.
Ciara~Rose ....
August 18, 2020
This is Us.
August 17, 2020
Round Tables.
August 16, 2020
My Favorite Office.
I had completed all my morning tasks, I was less
Chocolate Koala.
August 15, 2020
Lovely Lavender.
August 13, 2020
Peas! Peas! Peas!
August 9, 2020
Real Life.

Friends and Flowers.

August 8, 2020
Adopted Again!