About Me

December 31, 2020

New Year ....

I have no profound words to end out this year.
Just immense feelings of gratitude for the many
ways in which our world has banded together to
fight something bigger than all of us. It's not over
yet and there is much work to do, but we will go
to sleep later tonight with hope for what can be.

Happy New Year my dear blogging buddies!
Wishing you peace and good health for 2021!!

~ Chy

Hope for 2021.

No one will disagree that this year has been incredibly difficult on so many levels. Life stopped, then started again with restrictions and radical new routines. The virus that started out small in one community has spread Worldwide with a speed that has been hard to keep up with. We have made changes to how we work, how we live, how we play, and even how we die and how we grieve. Nothing is the same. We grieve for what was, what we can't have in the moment and we even grieve for people we have never met who have succumbed to the virus. We carry fear in our minds, our bodies and our hearts. We miss the activities that we once loved, and we have all done our very best to keep safe and healthy. At the end of any year, previous to 2020, many of us will often look back on the year and feel gratitude for the special moments, and hope the tough experiences were met with grace. We plan for the next year and some even make resolutions for change. But what do we do at the end of a year like we've never experienced before? How do we look forward to the future, when on an hourly basis, it keeps changing before we can even take it all in?

I've been mulling this over the last few weeks as I go thru the motions to close out my now full and very worn out daytimer. I love this time of year to reflect back on what worked, what didn't go so well and what can be improved upon. I truly wish to leave this Earth having lived my very best life. But how does this work, in the middle of a Pandemic? Here's what I've come up with to get myself moving forward as we say goodbye to 2020 and welcome 2021, with trepidation ....

Hope stands out for me as a word that is still here at the end of this year. Hope is free. Hope can be contagious. Hope can carry us through anything. Many hoped for a vaccine to eradicate this viral journey by next Summer. Many thought it wouldn't happen, that it would take years or not be effective. And yet here we are, in December of this same year, with more than one vaccine ready for distribution. We have hope the numbers will drop, even on days when they are super high again. We have hope our kids will fare well through this year where their schooling is different. Yet, they are still learning and growing and playing. We have hope that though it feels like life has stalled, we are still living, and moving, and being. 

We began the construction of the new residential in the Summer of 2019. In the midst of a Pandemic that none of us planned for, we managed to continue to work towards our long-standing goal of a residential hospice for the Greater Edmonton Region. We are ending 2020 with boxes to unpack, and staff and volunteers to train. We are so hopeful for the warmth, the care and the compassion that our residents who will soon reside in this special place as they journey toward their final moments will experience. And bright and beautiful spaces for our grieving clients, of all ages, to explore their unique paths as they navigate their mourning with our dedicated team. 

Hope began this project. Hope saw up through. And hope is all around us as we complete our final tasks as we work towards our opening day. 

My hope for you, as you enter 2021, is that this one small word will help carry you thru this New Year.

~ Chy

Capturing: Day 31.

Totally looking forward to getting
back to these carefree days ~ when
the word "Covid" was NOT part
of our daily language. It's slowly
getting there. We truly already
did appreciate life. But now more
than ever, it will forever mean so
much more, until the end of days!

~ Chy

December 30, 2020

Christmas Carol.

This year, our large theatre was not able to
provide "Christmas Carol" due to Covid.

This hit show every year is a staple in the
community. But they created a plan.

Shot over several days, this typically
live performance was taped and
then tickets were sold for the online
broadcast. We were gifted a ticket
for our family. Tonight we finally
had some time to sit and watch it.

And it was amazing! Perfect on so many
levels and a great twist on the story too.
We both acted in this theatre and it's
where we met, so this made it even more
special. A time we cherish and now a
way to make new memories. Loved it all!

~ Chy

Holiday Mice.

Sweet and festive holiday mice. The incredible
talent behind making these is so amazing. Enjoy!

~ Chy

Capturing: Day 30.

Currently, this is our Winter Wonderland. Not a lot
of snow at the moment, though I'm sure that will
change in time. Lots of warm, sunny days, which
means lots of melting too. Enjoying every minute!

~ Chy

December 29, 2020

Capturing: Day 29.

All week, it's been super warm but at
night very cold. So we wake up to
frosty trees all around our landscape.
Which then melts through the day.

But look at that sky. So blue and very
few cloud cover. Loving this Winter
weather so far. I know it won't last,
and soon we'll have frosty weather
all day long. For now, we cherish the
warmth we are experiencing. Love it!

~ Chy

Capturing: Day 28.

I was so excited to unwrap this gift on Christmas
morning. I almost forgot I had indicated that I
would LOVE to have this puzzle to complete while
we're working from home due to Covid. Though
it is 1,000 pieces, I think it's saving grace will be
all the "words." Just as I so love reading Susan
Branch's books, I will equally love reading this
puzzle as I work to put it together. Can't wait!

~ Chy

Capturing: Day 27.


I sometimes love that we have such dark
nights. The glow from different spaces
in the cottage, spilling in to other rooms,
gives such a comforting feeling and a
true sense of home, of hygge, of love ....
and of family. My grandmother's dining
set, warm wood floors, beautiful china
and silver sets, cared for thru generations.
These moments bring back memories of
being with family and creating experiences.

~ Chy

Capturing: Day 26.

There are so many amazing things that
I'm grateful for, even in this Covid year.

Our sweet little cottage. Living in the
big woods. My amazing, fulfilling career.

But what makes me work so hard every
day and love just as much is this guy ....

.... and sweet her. Our boys on the coast
and in the Big City and their families ....

.... and these two for always keeping
us all on our toes, all of the time ....

Good food. Lovely neighbors. Caring
friends. And my mama and our family
across the country. We are so fortunate
and every day, I give thanks for it all.

~ Chy

December 28, 2020

Capturing: Day 25.

We honestly have never had an early
morning Christmas. This year was
no different. We were up by about
10, ate a delicious brekky of cheesy
eggs, maple bacon, blueberry waffles
and hash browns. With mimosa's and
orange juice for the kid. It then took
over 1.5 hours to open our stockings
and all the gifts. We're slow but part
of that is we open one at a time and
everyone oohs and aahs and laughs
over each gift and our reactions. At
noon, we take a break and settle back
to watch the Queen's Christmas speech.
Then it's time to do a bit of a tidy, go
out for a walk, and then start making
our turkey dinner. Play with the kid
and take lots of pictures. Always a
fun morning, with new memories to
hold on to. A very special day ....

~ Chy

Capturing: Day 24.

After weeks of prep and dreaming,
shopping and cleaning, writing and
sending, visiting and sweet baking, the
eve/night before Christmas is always
my favorite time. A walk around the
cottage to make sure every thing is
set. And then we crawl in to bed with
a book or two until we all fall asleep,
content and excited for the morning.
A well deserved rest before the chaos!

~ Chy

Capturing: Day 23.

I bought this sweet and very soft scarf
when we were in Ottawa presenting to
Parliament. A special trip and a sweet
item to always remind me of this trip.

~ Chy

Capturing: Day 22.

A small tree with our sweet babies
names on it. Our babies in Heaven.

The turret holds the big tree, where all
the fun and memories are created. The
living room holds a place for reflection
in the light, and tears in the dark. This
is now our tradition each Christmas.
And we wouldn't have it any other way.

~ Chy

Capturing: Day 21.

Within this Covid experience, the World
has a chance to mend fences and build love.

I hope once this is all done, we continue to be
kind. Love first, peace follows. So hopeful ....

~ Chy

Capturing: Day 20.

Our sweet tiny Angel on top of
our tree. Soft and flowy and bright!

~ Chy

Capturing: Day 19.

A favorite recipe every Christmas is Candy Cane
Cookies. I love twisting them and then baking. 

~ Chy

December 27, 2020

Capturing: Day 18.

Our stockings were new last year.
I found them just a few days before
Christmas, on an amazing sale. I
want to add some pretty ribbon to
them. One day, when all my other
projects are done, I'll get this done!

~ Chy

Capturing: Day 17.

A few gifts under the tree before
the big day. We have so much fun
hunting for the perfect gifts for
each other, all within our budget.

~ Chy

Capturing: Day 16.

This is the first year we've had outdoor lights,
other than our inflatables and the garland around
the front door. And the two trees on either side
of the front door. We can't do the upper level just
yet as it's super high and safe. Maybe next year
if we can find a company. It looks like there are
missing lights but actually, it's just the trees in
front. All 1,000 lights are lit and accounted for.

~ Chy

Capturing: Day 15.

My favorite holiday song has always been and will
always be "Carol of the Bells." I love all the varied
versions of his song and never grow tired of it. At
home, when it comes on, my family calls it mom's
song! I was in a children's choir as a kid and this was
a favorite even back then. An old song but good!

~ Chy