About Me

July 1, 2024

Happy Canada Day!

 Happy Canada Day! Our country is only 157 years
old ~ still so young. So very proud to be Canadian!

~ Chy

June 1, 2024

Beautiful June.

It's still early but our garden is starting to bloom. So
many new sights to see every day. It's become a little
highlight of my day to take a stroll through the secret
garden and marvel at the colors. Welcome beautiful June!

~ Chy

May 31, 2024

Goodbye May.

A month of highs and lows, and everything
in between. So thankful for no fires this year!

~ Chy

May 29, 2024

Go Oilers Go!

It's tense in our little cottage in the big woods in
the moment. Yup, it's hockey playoffs, the finals
for the year, the quest for the Stanley Cup. Our
team, the Edmonton Oilers, is the last Canadian
team in the running, so there's a lot to be proud
of, and a lot to be nervous about. Hoping for a
win, as we haven't gone this far since 2006. I'm
so nervous, I end up cleaning and purging at
the same time the games are on. At this rate, I'm
going to have the most organized cottage ever!

Go Oilers Go!

~ Chy

May 28, 2024

May Memorial.

Each May, we gather to remember our sweet and
precious babies. We support families and increase
awareness about baby loss in our community. It's
a beautiful day full of sorrow and hope, memories
and love. We share names, stories, written words
that are buried. And tea before we head out to the
cemetery. This year, we started out with a beautiful
day but later on, a huge storm rolled in. Memorable.

~ Chy

May 26, 2024

Right Here. Right Now.

What I'm wearing .... jeans, bare feet and a light purple t that is comfy and a favorite.

What I'm reading .... my latest copy of Country Living British Edition. Always a month behind as I have to wait for it to come to Canada. Very worth the wait.

What's happening in my kitchen .... everyone is in bed and the kitchen is closed!

What's outside my window .... dark clouds and some thunder. A bit of rain but not much.

What I'm thankful for .... rain when we need it and sun when it's warm and bright.

What I'm smelling .... the rain from outside and the flowers that have bloomed in our garden.

What I'm hearing .... crickets. Or maybe they're frogs. Hard to tell some nights.

What I'm crafting .... dollhouse prep. Starting a new cross~stitch. Nothing else.

What's on my mind .... World events, my mom, new programs and our renovations.

Words to live by .... the quote above. So timely and how I'm now living life!

Hope you enjoy this week's quote.

Having an amazing week!

~ Chy

Conference Gifts.

My students and I had so much fun putting these
gifts together for all our conference attendees. A
variety of items, with inspirational notes and quotes.
Just enough love to inspire and encourage everyone.

~ Chy

May 25, 2024

Spring Conference.

We had our Spring Conference for Early Childhood
Educators today. Such a great day and on top of the
learning, there was connection and sharing. I'm so
proud to be part of this organization. New energy!

~ Chy