About Me

April 28, 2024

Goodbye to April.

It's been a lovely month but I'm behind on my
blogging with our new journey fast approaching.
I hope to get back on track in May so I have 100
posts before the end. For now, a short and sweet
month, with many activities, snow, sleet, rain,
wind and lots of snow to make it all better. Now
we hope for rain in May to keep forest fires away
this year. I'm looking forward to a month of some
reflection and new dreams, ideas, energy and time
for creating this new journey we're embarking on!

Wishing you a beautiful month ahead.

~ Chy

April 21, 2024

A New Look.

When I first started blogging over 10 years ago, so many of the blogs that I was attracted to featured soft lines, cozy photos and daily life content. That is still what I love about blogging and I set out to create the same. I chose a background I loved and never thought that I'd wake up one day to find my background blank. No graphics, no color, boring! It's taken some time to find another template, and though I'm not complete sold on the one I installed today, it will have to do for now until I can either gather some pennies to pay someone to make one, or I keep looking until the right one comes along. If I had a huge readership and even had commenters, spending the dollars would be fine. Time will tell which route to take. Hope you like this tiny fix!

~ Chy

April 18, 2024

A Shared Birthday.

These 2 sweet beings celebrate a shared
birthday today. Mom is now 81 years
young and my baby brother is 56 years
old! Such a gift to be born on her day.

Happy Birthday to you both!

~ Chy

April 14, 2024

Spring Flowers.

Spring may be slow in arriving here.
But the nurseries all have flowers so
we can bring a bit of Spring inside. I
love these sweet lilies that were a gift!

~ Chy

April 12, 2024

Cozy Corner.

Our "cozy corner" at the community preschool we
created in 2008. Such a magical spot, where learning
and community meet. There is a lot of push at this
time in the field of early learning to NOT have any
formality in the classroom. NO circle times, NO
storytime, NO direction given to children. We are
not following this new trend, though we do offer
many opportunities through the day for our littles to
be a big part of the curriculum. Instead of circle
time or story time, we invite our littles to the cozy
corner where we talk about the day, we share what
is happening outside our door, we read, we teach,
and through it all, the dignity and uniqueness of all
our children is respected and guided. I'm so very
proud and in awe of our crew for creating such a
warm and inviting space. Incredible dedication!

~ Chy

April 10, 2024


 Waiting for the snow to melt again, so that the
little daisies in our garden will soon pop up in the sun!

~ Chy

April 8, 2024

Be Kind.

I'm so frustrated with how much hate
and bullying is still prevalent in our
World. What will it take to shut it all
down? Please be kind, every day ....

~ Chy

April 7, 2024

Pussy Willows.

Every weekend, we try so hard to not be busy, to have at least our Sunday as a true day of rest. But each week, we start to work on little projects or take the extra time to finish up things that need our attention. We do have time for rest and relaxing. But we still "sneak" tasks in and cross them off my list. This morning, as we worked awy in the garage to tidy it for Spring and break down the cardboard to take over to the recycling station, it struck me that maybe there are several reasons we do this each week. Not the cardboard, but the tasks! Maybe we recognize how short life is and that we only have so many Sundays in our lives. With grief all around us and a number of family members who have died young, perhaps we wish to fill every moment with work, tasks, fun and relaxation, so we have no regrets. Or maybe we just enjoy making our space look clean and tidy. Or maybe it's a distraction from life's worries. Or maybe a way to give back to the community. What ever the true reason, it's time to stop being hard on ourselves each weekend. We always feel sooo good after getting things off the list, so my guess is the idea that the day needs to be only full of rest and relaxation is not for us. For now, we'll instead embrace the idea of doing what we need and want to do, then rewarding ourselves with the nicest Sunday dinner, or an afternoon nap, or time to work on our art. I'm sure we'll figure it out but for now, no more beating ourselves up during and after working on our task list. I'd rather spend the time and energy on completing tasks, then looking around and not liking what I see around me! 

Last night, after a busy day of visiting an event, shopping for groceries, stopping at a 2nd store for fresh fruit and veggies, and a final stop to pick up some dinner, we settled in to watch the hockey game. I find it so stressful, especially now that we are heading in to the final games before the playoffs. So when I get stressed, I find things to keep busy. I ended up re~organizing our task cart, took all the new packs of paper out of the box and stacked them up neatly, took everything off the kitchen counters and wiped down every surface, unpacked the new towels for the half bath, and finally did a quick vacuum. By then, we were well on to a win and I could relax and watch the last bit. Then upstairs to bed.

Today, we did sleep in a bit, then got up to shower, make the bed, clean up the garage and loaded up all the cardboard we've collected since Christmas. Our County provides 2 huge recycling bins each month for 1 week, so timing is crucial. After dropping all the cardboard off, we did a little drive, marvelling at the snow that was deep yesterday and virtually all gone today. Home to sweep the garage, and then we cut down some pussy willows from the garden. I can't believe how big they are! Never had them this size before. I took a moment to decide where to display them and then settled on the dining room. They may move in time but for today, here they are. I love that we finally have a sign that Spring is finally on it's way. All week, we're supposed to have super warm days. The geese have returned, the buds are starting to appear and the ditches are full of water from the melting snow. Soon, our landscape will be green.

All for now. I'm off to work on our tasks!

~ Chy

April 3, 2024


What I think Heaven should look like!
A soft bed, tons of books and a sweet
landscape outside my window. Oh, but
wait. This is what I have now for real!

~ Chy

April 2, 2024

Welcome, April.

Welcome, April. I so, so, so long for Spring! We had such a mild Winter, with very little snow and absolutely NO blizzards in our region, though the southern part of our province has not had it so easy. So it's been a bit confusing to now be in the season of Spring, with snow that has been falling on and off thru the week. It's not super cold and it will melt. But it is an odd experience so far. I want to see blooms and buds on the trees, green stalks emerge from the dirt, and birds return to sing. For now, we wait for the snow to melt and the sun to return. I will truly appreciate Spring, once it finally arrives to warm our Earth. Soon!

~ Chy