About Me

October 11, 2020

Blogtober: Day 11.

Last night, we watched the sweetest movie last night .... UP! It's a Disney Pixar Production created in 2009. It was endearing to us on so many levels. A number of similarities to our own journey together as a couple. It was hard not to cry at times and there were many laughs. Carl and Ellie are definitely us, from the differences in their personalities to their baby losses and their sweet little cottage! 

Carl and Ellie, dreaming of starting a family and
picking out baby shapes in the clouds in the sky.

Growing old together and living through all their
adventures it brings along. We always called our
"experiences" our adventures. And our quote to
each other when we were 18 was "Grow old with
me. The best is yet to be!" Written by poet Robert
Browning and so fitting at that time in our lives.

The house they lived in was so amazing and this morning, when I was looking for a few pictures to place on my blog, I came across this sweet video of the couple who bought the replica when it was built: http://www.therealuphouse.com/. Hope you enjoy watching it, especially if you've seen the movie. I'm sure we'll be watching this one again and again.

I'll have more to write about later. Big storm hit our area last night so we're off to ensure no damage was done to our little cottage. Showers. Hockey game. And then it's time to celebrate Thanksgiving today, here in windy Canada!

Enjoy your Sunday!

~ Chy


Vicki from Texas said...

Happy Thanksgiving Chy! I always forget Canada celebrates Thanksgiving before we do. Hope you have a great day.


Debi said...

One of our favorite movies too...

Chy said...

Thanks Vicki! We had a great day, except for the strong winds that blew so many of our leaves off the trees. Amazing dinner and fun company!

Have a great Monday.

X Chy

Chy said...

I wish we had found it earlier Debi. I'm sure we'll watch it often!

X Chy

Justice K. said...

Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.

Chy said...

Thank you Justice! We had a lovely day.

X Chy