About Me

October 4, 2020

Lemony Treat.

My family and I are all actively involved in an Intermittent Fasting Program. It is not exclusively a weight loss option but in fact, it has multiple benefits. For myself, I will be having surgery at some point in the next few months (hopefully, as long as it doesn't get canceled again) and would like to be in top form as the recovery will take time and I may lose some muscle mass. I'm also trying to reverse the "pre~diabetic" concern I have from my last blood draws. As I've spent most of my life to ensure I won't develop adult onset diabetes as my relatives have all had, I've been proud to get to this point without this life long illness. Those in our family who have developed it have all been in their 40's, including my dad. I'm well past that and was hoping to get to the end, so the idea of being "pre~diabetic" was not on my radar. However, I do have a chance now to get this under control. So far, I've lost 3.4 pounds and have managed to decrease my cravings. I'm liking this path we've all embarked on and happy that we've all gotten thru the difficult first week and it's easy to follow. To celebrate our successes so far, we were treated by our daughter to a mini cupcake the other day. I chose this Lemon Cheesecake and it was soooo good! And just the right size for a treat. A new way to eat, a new path in life. Wish us luck as we continue to work hard and still have space and time for a treat here and there! 

~ Chy


Debi said...

Congratulations on your weight loss and your determination to avoid diabetes.

Chy said...

Thanks Debi. It's hard work but we're committed!

X Chy