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October 14, 2020

Blogtober: Day 14.

I always take a week of holidays in October. I use it to clean up the garden, put away the deck furniture, mulch, compost and sweep. I use it as my measure to ensure we're ready for the long Winter ahead of us. Switch out my sweaters, move the bins of mitts, hats and scarves to the mudroom for easy access, make sure everyone has warm boots, and dust off the snow shovels. Dh has been installing our Christmas lights on the outside of the cottage, and I'm already gift shopping for the season while the weather is still decent. 

Yesterday, I was working away in the garden and I started to realize it was feeling like snow was on it's way (now I sound old!). As we moved the last bits of deck furniture, plant pots and garden ornaments in to storage, we kept seeing large flocks of geese flying south, which was ironic as the day before we commented how they all kept going north! 

Today, I'm so thankful we made sure everything was tucked away for the season, because we woke up to snow! It's not a lot and am sure as I'm writing this mid morning, it's probably already melted away. The first picture I took just after getting up and seeing a white roof. Not the best shot as the screen is in the way. But we definitely have had an early snow. The other pictures I captured as I headed back upstairs to curl up with my heated wheat bag in my cozy bed to read and write for a while. Yesterday was super busy and today, I've committed to a more chill day off (literally!).

Wishing you a beautiful and cozy day.
I'm off to workout, shower and then soup!

~ Chy


galant said...

It sounds very cold where you are, Chy! And I love the sounds of a Mudroom! Perhaps we'd call that a Bootroom? And we've never bought snow shovels as we seldom have snow here in South Devon, well not snow that you'd call snow, just a light dusting of the white stuff. I hope you don't have a very severe winter. I was just thinking that this month we turn back the clocks and then it's five months before they are put forward again, oh dear, I detest all the darkness. Hope you keep well, and Covid-free.
Margaret P

Granny Marigold said...

I suppose the middle of October isn't unusual for you to get snow but I'm sure you wouldn't mind if it held off for another few weeks! Our furnace ran this morning... the first time this season. Take care and keep warm.

Chy said...

Granny, you're so correct in that it isn't unusual for us to get a dusting of snow in October. It doesn't last, maybe an hour or so.

BUT ....

Guess what B.C. is sending us tonight and all day tomorrow? 25 cms of snow!! Thank you very much for sending it our way. :)

We're ready and will stay home for the next few days. Next week is warm so it will likely melt away.

Take care as well and hope your furnace doesn't have to kick in too often this Winter!

X Chy

Chy said...

Thank you Margaret for visiting. Yes a mudroom is a must in Canada! I wish ours was a bit bigger as it gets crowded if we call come in at the same time (4 adults, 1 child) but we manage. I'm with you and do not like the darkness, though I take comfort in our warm and cozy cottage. I spend time in the Winter planning my garden, reading, playing in my art studio, family time and work keeps me busy too.

Wishing you a short and warm Winter. We have our fingers crossed that ours will be another nice one this year.

X Chy