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July 6, 2020

What do my eyes see today?

It's bright and though looks overcast
in this shot, I do believe I see sunshine!

Yup! That's it!! Look at all the vibrant blue sky! I swear we've been sun deprived for a solid 2 weeks. I was not expecting this sight this morning, I quickly did a check of our forecast, only to discover that by 4 today, we should be having a great old thunderstorm. Sigh. And then I looked for the next 2 weeks and guess what? Storms, rain, thunder and good old lightening. Double sigh. I just want to stain the decks with their final coat! I just want to get our sweet little greenhouse up! I just want to truly finish planting the perennials that are patiently sitting beside their chosen spot! Grrrr!! I'm tempted today to put the deck furniture back up on the deck and at least enjoy sitting comfortable for the few minutes that we have sun. And hope that by August, we'll have a nice streak of no rain so we can finally finishing staining not just the back decks, but also the greenhouse deck as well as the front veranda. It would be nice to end the Summer with all of this done, in addition to getting our landscaping plan for this year ticked off the list. We've made good progress for sure but still things we'd like to see done before the snow comes again. At this point, we can only hope for a turn in this weather. I know it's not the end of the World here but we have such short Summers, we always want to make the most out of each one, and standing in a window looking out at the pouring rain, day after day, is not my idea of a fun time. Many of my blog buddies are wishing for rain, and here we just watch it pour from the sky. Where is it all coming from? Go away! Ugh!! Thankfully, no forest fires this year, just plain old rain. I'm thankful for the green landscape around us. Hoping at some point, Mother Nature moves the rain cloud above us over to those who need it and give us more sun, with just the right mix of rain to keep everything growing well. Please!!

Okay, enough of my little rant. I'm off to enjoy the sunshine while I work. Too precious to not soak in it all day. Hope you and yours have a lovely Monday and get rain if you need it or the sun if it's lacking. Lap it all up if you can! Namaste.

~ Chy


Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

We have had quite the cloudy days here in Oregon too - the sun is finally out today! The rain does keep everything green and gorgeous - but it is summer for pete sakes! have a wonderful day ♥

Debi said...

You have certainly had more than your share of gloomy weather. Maybe you will have what we call an "Indian Summer" in September and have some warm, gorgeous days to enjoy your patio and your yard. I hope so!