About Me

January 12, 2021

306 Days In.

 We spent the last 306 days together, every day,
all day. It's not been a bad thing at all. We work,
then take a break and spend some time outside,
or work on a project. It's been our pattern since
this all started, 306 days ago. We've had our tiny
moments of frustration but for the most part, all
306 days have been a gift in many ways. Today,
dh is headed off to a meeting at work, in the big
city, and I'm heading off to a meeting at work, in
the big city. Prior to this, for the last 306 days,
one of us and most of the time both of us have
been home. Our 306th day is different. This is I
guess what "retirement" would feel like. I'm tired
as I also went in to work yesterday and will go
again tomorrow, though these will both be much
shorter days and not so physical. I helped with our
set up at our new hospice yesterday ~ staging the 
look and feel of what our new place will look like
as we get set to open. Today will feel a bit weird
as we head out the door at the same time, but head
in different directions in the big city. After 306 days
together, a new adventure! P.S. Restrictions are
still in place. I'll be back working from home once
Wednesday is done, until they are lifted and we
all feel comfortable returning. It's going to take a
while to feel safe. Almost there ~ 306 days in!

~ Chy


Betsy said...

My hubby has been working all along as he is considered an essential worker. It's scary to have him going in every day as people from his office have gotten sick throughout this and even a few deaths. So far we've been healthy. I go nowhere except to grocery pickup and to get our mail at a friends house who is also isolating, (they're retired.)
I'm so ready to travel. I haven't seen any of our family since Thanksgiving 2019. No kids, grandkids, Mom in law, NO ONE! It's lonely.

At Home In New Zealand said...

I think it says a lot for the strength of your marriage to be able to spend so much time together as I know many struggle with it - well done, both of you :)

Debi said...

My husband and I retired seven years ago and adjusted pretty quickly to more "together time". But we also had things we did separately. When COVID hit it was together time, all the time. We have survived it! I miss my daughter and her family, I miss seeing my 90 year old dad, but hopefully things will settle down soon and we'll be able to visit again.

Mereknits said...

I am glad it is going so well for both of you. I do have to leave the house to work, it is scary but necessary. Stay safe.