About Me

May 15, 2020

Sweet Robins.

I was able to do a good part of my work
day outside on Wednesday. It was warm,
but not hot, sunny, but not glaring. Truly
a perfect morning to be outside. Between
counselling calls, I started a new book
and managed to get half way thru it by
lunch time. Intriguing and timely as we
all work through this time of quarantine.

Our robins are back so I couldn't resist
this little print from Susan Wheeler on
this overcast day. They like to nest on
our veranda and they've been flitting
around the front garden. However, on
the sunny day I described above, they
were on the trees across from the back
deck. It was like they were watching me
work all morning. Pretty sweet and very
observant. I wonder what they were all
thinking. Hopefully they'll choose the
nest that is still up on the top of one of
the front windows. We prefer them out
the front as when the eggs are nestled
safely in their tiny home, the papa tends
to be aggressive and then we can't sit
outside in that area. Front is better for
now as we love the deck all day but the
veranda is an end of day routine for us.
Can't wait to watch this birthing event!

Have a great day. I'm off to work but
will catch up later with another post.

~ Chy


Granny Marigold said...

Robins are such a welcome sight and I love their cheerful songs but yes, they do get upset if you get too close to their nests.

Chy said...

They do for sure! They come right at us but it's only for a short time. We love watching as babies are hatched too!

X Chy