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December 31, 2024

Happy New Year.

Happy New Year 2025!!

I've read so many posts tonight with a common
theme ~ an excitement to be done with 2024 with,
as so many have shared "the bad year I wish never
happened." I'm so sad for this common sentiment.
As someone who has had some not so great times
in my own life, including moves far from family,
the losses of parents and grandparents, the tragic
losses of 8 of our 12 babies, and disappointments
with moments that didn't quite work out. I'm sad
because even though any type of loss or not so great
experience can make us wish for better, there is a
lesson to be learned from the bad things that happen
to good people. Or the things we can't control that
make life difficult for a time. The lesson is what we
decide to do with anything that life throws at us. I
do firmly believe we have choices, not in what did
take place, but how we'll navigate it. We can give up,
lean in, ignore it, or grow and heal. I choose the last
one, even if at times it appears it will never be ok. I
do believe things can turn around, and with intention,
we can learn so it doesn't happen again, or we can 
be better than the experience. I hope this all makes
sense. I hope that whoever is having a difficult time,
remember that you are alive, breathing and every
morning is a new day. Namaste for whatever life
has sent your way. Be well. Stay safe. Live and love.

๐Ÿ’— Chy ๐Ÿ’—

Goodbye December.

Very frosty month full of wonder and excitement.
The opening of our new centre. Welcoming new
team members, and sweet new families. Gifts to
share and kind words to the World. Twinkly lights
and yummy treats. Moving my aging mom to her
new home. Planning for a big trip. A great month!

 ๐Ÿ’— Chy ๐Ÿ’—

December 30, 2024

Child~Focused Quote.

A favorite quote for Dr. Gordon Neufeld. We were
fortunate to meet him a number of years ago at a
homeschooling conference. Even my youngest dd
at the time was intrigued. Hanging this at our centre.

๐Ÿ’— Chy ๐Ÿ’—

Magical Fairies.

This was me as a child, seeing things
that the adults around me said didn't
exist. It was a true magical world to
me but only to me. Now as we care
for little ones in our new centre, I can
see the magic in their imaginations!

๐Ÿ’— Chy ๐Ÿ’—

December 29, 2024

Educator Gifts.

Because we are so honored to have the most amazing
team members at our centre, it was important to both
of us that we celebrate and honor them. For our first
day of operation, we gifted them each a journal, a
key and a star, representing memories they can write
about, the key that they hold to each child's heart,
and the star because they are all "rock stars!" It was
fun to watch them open their gifts. We are thankful!

๐Ÿ’— Chy ๐Ÿ’—

December 27, 2024

Quiet Cozy Day.

Last night, I spent some time working on our Christmas gift to each other ~ a vintage signed print by an artist with a vision. I'll share the story one day.

This morning, we woke up with plans to head in to the Big City to visit the Old Antique Mall and to see my mom. But we woke up to large snow falling from the sky and decided not to chance driving down the highway with reports of blowing snow. It seems to have calmed down now but we're settled in after some tidying, showers and comfy clothes, and will now just enjoy being home in our little cottage. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were family focused, Boxing Day was friendship, and tomorrow is our day to welcome our neighbors down the lane in. So today was to be a bit of shopping and visiting. We don't have to work over the next week, so shopping and visiting can happen on another day. We're heading out to shovel, then lunch, then dh is playing some games with our dgs and dd's, and I plan to keep writing to planning for 2025. More family dinner tonight, some favorite shows to watch, and an early night as tomorrow will be quite busy with groceries in the morning, tours at our new centre for families wishing to join in, then home to tidy and make food for the evening. Excited to visit and enjoy the company.

                                  Enjoy the day!

                                      ๐Ÿ’— Chy ๐Ÿ’—

December 24, 2024

Christmas Eve.

My favorite Christmas Eve print.
Reminds me of sleeping at my
gramma and grampa's house as
a child. We had to kneel beside
the bed to say our prayers. It was
a warm, cozy spot and full of love.

๐Ÿ’— Chy ๐Ÿ’—

December 22, 2024

Magic in the Air.

A beautiful print depicting Christmas
night as families all over the World wait
for the jolly man in the red suit!  A time
of peace and hope, and magic in the air.

๐Ÿ’— Chy ๐Ÿ’—

December 18, 2024

Wintry Day.

We are officially snowed in today! Yesterday, a heavy snowfall warning was issued for our region and we quickly shifted our day around so we could stay home today and just work, while the snow fell silently outside. One promise we made to each other was that if we moved to the country, we would not chance our lives if the weather was bad. So far, for the most part, we've been able to navigate this each Winter. It was hard when I was at the hospice to travel all the way into the Big City but I managed to work thru it all. But now we have more flexibility and it's made Winter less stressful. The snow started last night and has been falling all day. Road reports have not been good. We plan to venture into town tomorrow for a Christmas breakfast with the Chamber and to visit my mom's new care home as she moves on Monday. But we'll wait to see if the roads get better. Not worth the risk if we can avoid it. 

The one thing I love about snowy days out here is how beautiful our landscape becomes. It's so quiet out here and the snow sits so prettily wherever it falls. In town, there is such a rush to shake the flakes off everything that it's not as breathtaking. We feel so very fortunate to have this beautiful spot we call home. And snowy days means we can be inside, cozy and safe in our little cottage.

Last night, we were at severals events, and in between dh commented how he was loving our activie social life but couldn't wait to get home to the cottage to be cozy and warm! I totally agreed. Loving this time in our lives but home is where we most often want to be. Today, I slept in a bit, knowing I didn't have to travel in, then had a hot shower, put on my cozies and settled in on the comfy couch to work away at several projects. We applied for funding for Summer Students, attended a webinar on marketing our new centre, caught up on emails, posted on Social Media, read a lot, wrote a bit and tonight, I hope to bake a bit for our Christmas Celebration on Friday for all our littles and the parents. On Monday, we'll work a short day, and have a Christmas lunch for our team, then head home to get ready for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We have our neighbors coming over a couple of days after the holidays to celebrate (we have them over each year) but the rest of the time will just be us. We do hope to visit with our son and his little family. Waiting to hear what their plans are, If not before, then after. Love the holidays every year!

Wishing you a beautiful evening and hope you are cozied down in your little cottage, wherever you live and with whatever weather you have in your neck of the woods! 

๐Ÿ’— Chy ๐Ÿ’—

December 14, 2024

Frozen Treats.

We let our pumpkins, uncarved and
unpainted to be left out for the deer
visit our cottage often. Since I took
this photo, they've devoured 2 of
the gourds, and the other 2 we did
move away from the brick pile for
easier access. A lovely treat for our
little friends in the woods. Yummy!

๐Ÿ’— Chy ๐Ÿ’—

December 12, 2024

Door Prize!

Today we attended our local Chamber of
Commerce Breakfast as we do every
Thursday morning. Surprise! We won
one of the door prizes. Such a treat!

๐Ÿ’— Chy ๐Ÿ’—

December 9, 2024

Closed for Winter.

Officially, our bird bath is now closed
for the Winter. I feel bad for the many
birds who visit it during the Spring,
Summer and Fall. Nature has taken over!

๐Ÿ’— Chy ๐Ÿ’—

December 8, 2024

Wave of Light.

Tonight at 7:00 pm all over the globe,
families who have experienced the loss
of a precious baby or a sweet child, at
any age, for any reason, gather to share
their stories, and their love for those
who understand and share the journey.
Each year, since 1998, we have been
so fortunate to have our local funeral
home open their doors to our program
and our families. Our service is in the
afternoon so families don't have to
worry about traveling out to our tiny
hamlet in the dark. In the evening, we
all post photos of our candles from the
service, in memory of our angels,
as families Worldwide participate in
the Wave of Light for 24 hours. It's a
beautiful evening, and there is so much
comfort in knowing we're supporting
each other. But we also always wish
events like this would never have to
be in place. Heartbreaking but needed.

Tonight, with love, our family remembered:

Bretton~Elijah Lucas Roberts
Ciara~Rose Kennedi Roberts
Birkley~Finn Kensington Roberts
Cabriola~Ireland Laci Roberts
Cambria~Sage Kassady Roberts
Beau~Harper Levi Roberts
Cree~Raven Lyric Roberts
Bentley~River Kai Roberts

Never forgotten. Love forever!

๐Ÿ’— Chy ๐Ÿ’—

Festive Day.

Another shot from Winterfest that I
forgot to post. Dh and I had fun posing
under the festive arch out in the hall.
A popular spot to get a nice picture.

๐Ÿ’— Chy ๐Ÿ’—


December 7, 2024

Pink Chair.

I have a co~worker who is not fond of
the color pink. We're currently searching
for an office chair for her and I couldn't
help but save this one to show her. Love!

๐Ÿ’— Chy ๐Ÿ’—


Winterfest was held this year on my birthday on the
30th of November. It was lovely to head in to town
to visit with friends and community members. With
music, goodies and trees to auction off, a fun day!

๐Ÿ’— Chy ๐Ÿ’—

December 6, 2024

Celelbrating Twice.

Our dear neighbors down the lane
stopped by the other day to bring us
each a sweet gift for our birthdays
that were in November. We are loved!

๐Ÿ’— Chy ๐Ÿ’—

Creative Salads.

Another "gourmet salad" I created the
other day. So much can be added to a
salad and I'm having fun creating what
I can with what we have. So yummy!

๐Ÿ’— Chy ๐Ÿ’—

December 5, 2024

Creative Bedmaking.

Dh and I have an ongoing battle with
making the bed each morning. It's now
become quite the feat to make sure we
outdo each other with our respective
"creative bedmaking" skills. Here is
dh's latest attempt: a tree with bears!

๐Ÿ’— Chy ๐Ÿ’—

Before the Snow.

Before we had snow, I took these two
photos that showed a bright sun on the
way home from our centre one day. It
was bright and hopeful, before the snow!

๐Ÿ’— Chy ๐Ÿ’—

December 4, 2024

Friend Brunch.

I recently met a dear friend for brunch
at a sweet little cafe not far from our
hamlet. The food was amazing, the
company wonderful but oh our server
was not nice at all. I've never had such
bad service. We both did not leave a
tip, though we didn't share this until
after. I know everyone has bad days
or hard moments but there was no need
to treat the 2 of us as if we were a real
burden for her on this frosty but sunny
 morning. I hope her day did get better!

๐Ÿ’— Chy ๐Ÿ’—