About Me

June 30, 2021

Unbearable Heat.

It is so hot, the benches at the park have curled up.
It is so hot, people are dying from heat stroke. I can
not remember in my entire life this kind of heat. It's
so unbearable, but I am so thankful we have central
air in the cottage and at work. I wish I could work
in the garden today but other than watering it all, it
is not comfortable to be outside. So today, we'll stay
in and keep cool. I may do some office tidying and
work in the art studio but other than that, it will be
a lazy day of cooling down. Hope you stay cool!


~ Chy


Lorrie said...

The heat broke here last night and it's so much more pleasant. There is a little breeze blowing, and the high will be 29 instead of 39. Still warm, but bearable. There was no gardening here during the heat, either. Stay hydrated and cool!

Betsy said...

The heat has been awful for so many people. I can't believe it's hotter in the Pacific Northwest than it is here in the midwest. At 8:00 last night it was still 106F in Spokane! Take care, stay inside and stay cool. Drink lots and lots of water.

Chy said...

Hi Lorrie. WE have a bit of a breeze today but it's so hot, it's not helping just yet. We're having the hottest days today and tomorrow, then it should start to cool. Can't wait! Glad yours has broken. Hopefully the rest of Summer will be better!

X Chy

Chy said...

For sure Betsy. It's crazy how widespread this is and how hot it's gotten. So scary as it can be quite dangerous. Wishing for rain!!

Blessings to you,
X Chy