About Me

August 31, 2019

Fall Secret Garden.

Our leaves have begun to turn already. I truly love
Fall but this is just too early. We didn't get Summer!

Our teetering tots don't seem to mind.
All seasons just work around them.

Our pretty bench with the potted plants
did well this year. A lovely spot to sit.

This area will need some attention. It's hard to see
the old wooden bench and the birdbath. A good
trim with the garden tools will get this spot back
to it's open and inviting purpose. But it's pouring
rain today so this will have to wait. Hopefully
we'll get Summer in our Secret Garden soon ....

~ Chy


Granny Marigold said...

Sorry you haven't had much of a summer. Ours has been so hot and dry that cooler Fall weather sounds just lovely.

Chy said...

We finally had a great Summer day today! But now I have a sunburn!!

X Chy