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March 8, 2019

The Long, Never Ending Winter.

I'm officially declaring the Winter of 2019 as "The Long, Never Ending Winter!" Although we had very little snow and warm temperatures for the first half of Winter, the beginning of February became our "Snowmageddon" and it really is not ending! This week, we were promised a stop to the bitter cold with above normal temperatures and lots of sun to help the melting process. We've had a bit warmer air and the sun has been out. But today, which was supposed to be + 2 C, has now changed to - 20 C. The sun, so bright and warm yesterday, has disappeared. Clouds, heavy and dark, have released another round of snow, putting us under a Snowfall Warning. Roads are a mess and work plans have changed. Thankful we can work from home, where it's cozy and warm. Not sure if you can see the snow falling in the picture above but it's falling quickly now and piling up high. 

I was truly getting so hopeful that the end of Winter 2019 was so close. Next week, the predictions were for + 6 C to + 12 C. Now I'm scared to look to see what we can expect. Snow, go away! Leave us alone!! You are no longer welcome here!! We want Spring, flowers and warmth, not snow!!

The one, the only one in the house who loves the snow is this little guy. Of course, he just gets to play in it. He doesn't have to shovel, or navigate icy, snow covered roads to get to school. Just play hockey, even when it's icy air. This was a few days ago after we got home from school. See the clear sky? Blue and pretty! He loves the little rink we created and I'm so happy he's gotten lots of use out of it, despite the cold. Practising his shots on the net, yelling when he scores!

I know when the snow does finally start to go (please soon!), we'll miss the little rink and the funny antics of our little guy being, as he says "The World's Best Hockey Player!" 

I hope wherever you are today, Winter 2019 is almost over. We'll get through this, and I know soon I will be able to share pictures of our sweet little garden. Not today, but soon! Pretty blooms, fragrant smells, warm Earth, budding trees, singing birds, babbling brooks. Soon, I hope!!

~ Chy


Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Both ways lucky - a little hockey player with ice and grandparents to make the ice and memories for the grands. It snowed overnight again here - the wet snow that slushes itself away (West Coast BC mainland area) - where snow is not that usual in March, it is usually rain and rain and rain.

I love reading each post you share.


Debi said...

I like winter, but, like you, I feel like this one is never ending! I am so ready for spring!

HappyK said...

Still winter here by me too. It snows EVERY day!!

Chy said...

Joy, we've had so much fun with the rink and I'm not sure it was just for him! Dh loves being out there too!!

Thank you for visiting. I always love your comments!

X Chy

Chy said...

Me too Debi!! It can't come soon enough.

X Chy

Chy said...

I hope the snow stops for you soon, Happyone!

X Chy