About Me

March 11, 2019

Tiny Garden.


One of the neatest things we've discovered about living in our new house is how easy it is to grow indoor plants. In our last house, every plant I tried to grow would die. I think looking back we didn't have the best humidity and our house was not as light as this one is with all our windows. I'm loving being able to pick up a cheap plant at the store and nurture it to it's full potential. The baby tears on the top plate was so tiny and look at how much it's grown! The ivy is on the bottom and working it's way through the iron stand, towering over the tears. The spider plant had to be repotted and this is the 2nd piece. The other one is over by the big window. I just repotted them about 2 weeks ago and it looks like a bigger pot is going to be needed again, already!

This is my favorite right now. I bought this at the store for less than $3. It has bloomed twice now and the smell in our kitchen is heavenly. You can smell the scent as soon as you walk in the door. Growing so well and it's not looking like it's at the end yet. I don't think I've had a hyacinth last this long before. Should have bought more! Who knew it would last!! Do you have a tiny garden growing in your home?

~ Chy


Granny Marigold said...

There was exactly one Hyacinth left so I ended up with a white one. It still smells wonderfully but I prefer the purple, like yours. Your houseplants all are thriving!

Chy said...

They are doing so well! I often buy a white, blue and pink from a booth at the farmer's market. But we haven't had a chance to get there yet, so the store one had to do. So impressed with how well it's done! X Chy

TheAwakenedSoul said...

No, I don't have many houseplants anymore. I used to, when I was younger. Now that I do more traveling, I just have a garden outside. Yours look incredible. I love the Hyacinth.

Chy said...

Thank you Stephanie! X Chy

Mereknits said...

They look beautiful. Enjoy!

Chy said...

Thank you Meredith!! X Chy