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March 4, 2019

Out My Window.

From reading many blogs over the last week, and through this past weekend, I can see that there are many, many communities around North America and beyond that are struggling with snow and bitter cold. We are still cold here, though the sun continues to shine and the temperatures are improving. This morning, it was ~ 28 C and this afternoon it's sitting at ~ 8 C. It will keep getting warmer and warmer and by next week, we'll be at + 2 C. Break out the bikini's!! 

I chose the above picture, out my window, to show the snow has gone from our trees and even off our pergola. And look at that blue sky! I hope for those with snowy clouds today, this gives you some hope! The snow will go away, one day.

Cold weather always calls for warm dinners. Dh slow cooked a tender pork roast yesterday and added 4 cheese risotto and a caesar salad to complement the mushroom gravy he created. It was so good! I was still feeling full this morning. 

I was going to finish painting the trim in my new office today after a meeting this morning. But the meeting took longer than was planned and though it was great and very productive (somewhat healing), I was pretty tired once everyone left. I went back next door and visited my staff for a bit and then went to the office to try and paint. But my focus was not intact. I made a few calls, answered a few emails and then packed up my bag. Stopped in at the Hearing Clinic to book a hearing test (more about that later) and then stopped for gas before driving home. So quiet and peaceful here and much easier to get my work done. I'm taking a break now and watching an episode of The Walton's I don't think I've ever seen. Although we have the series on DVD, sometimes when I'm home, I'll turn on this channel and there it will be! I'll finish up some of my work while the hockey game is on but for now, a bit of a little break while my family is still in town. And once they get home, I'll help get dinner going. Empty the dishwasher. Fill it back up again. Wash down the counters after dinner. Sort out receipts for taxes ~ last thing to do before we hand it over to the accountant. Watch the hockey game. Enjoy the company and hope our beloved Oilers win again! Not the best season for sure. But we won't go there. No energy to even try to make sense of it all. However, we can still hope, just like with the blue sky out my window. No harm in hope!

~ Chy


HappyK said...

That blue sky does look nice. We had another snowy day here. I sure would like to see some blue sky!!

Chy said...

Despite the snow we get here, we still have lots of very sunny days. It really helps when it's cold but the sun is out! Hope you see some blue skies soon! X Chy

TheAwakenedSoul said...

The sky looks pretty. I am actually thrilled with our California winter this year. We have finally had lots of rain. It is such a relief! The ground had been so dry and parched for so long. You sound happy and your dinner looks delicious.

Chy said...

I'm glad you've gotten a lot of rain in California, Stephanie. So important for your State. I love the rain and would take it over the snow, except at Christmas! X Chy