About Me

March 31, 2019

Unexpected Trip.

Came home the other day to discover
our daughter doubled over in pain. I
whisked her off to the ER and we were
so lucky to be in and out in 2 short hours.

They did an exam, took blood, sent her
for x~rays and determined that she had
had a small gall bladder attack. We were
so thankful for the prompt attention and
care she was given. They scheduled her
for an ultrasound at the big hospital in
the big city, where she had to spend 5
hours being treated quite differently and
sent her home with a consult for surgery,
in 3.5 months!! However, she's only had
the 1 attack, so this is not urgent. And
she is leaving on her holidays in 2 weeks.
Hopefully she'll be fine while she's away.
I'll be slightly anxious until she's back.

~ Chy


Granny Marigold said...

I hope your daughter will be attack-free for the months until the scheduled surgery. I'm sure the whole ordeal was scary for her as well as for you!

Chy said...

It was scary but she's a nurse and was pretty calm, so that kept me in check! Hoping she doesn't have any other attacks and surgery goes smoothly and soon. Thanks for your kind words Granny! X Chy