About Me

February 5, 2021

Polar Vortex.

After months of pretty good Winter weather,
starting today, we're heading into a Polar Vortex.

Not much snow is predicted. But very low
and dangerous temperatures are on the way.

By Monday, we could be as long as - 40 C
and with the windchill, it could hit in the
low - 50's. This is rare and the last time we
are told it hit was in 1972. I'm hopeful that
we'll be just fine in our cozy little cottage.
But I worry about others who have no home
or have limited resources. Lots of posts on
FB today with offers of help. Kindess reigns.

Stay warm this weekend! We'll be cozied up
to our fireplace and some long awaited Netflix!

~ Chy


Betsy said...

Wow! That's cold. Be careful and stay inside. AND hope it doesn't last long!

Meredith said...

Stay warm and safe.

Debi said...

I hope you stay warm, toasty and safe in your little house.

At Home In New Zealand said...

Your 'polar vortex' even made it onto our News, with all those terrible temperatures expected.
Please stay warm and take care of yourselves, Mxx

Chy said...

Thanks Betsy. It's in the -40's today but the sun is bright, the sky is blue and the cottage is cozy!

X Chy

Chy said...

We are staying toasty warm Meredith! I started a puzzle yesterday once I was done teaching a class in the morning, and we watched movies while building. Today I have a project to tackle and then back to the puzzle!

X Chy

Chy said...

Thank you Debi! Hope you have a great Sunday!

X Chy

Chy said...

Wow! That's crazy we made your news AHINZ! Yesterday we were told we were colder than the North Pole!!

X Chy