About Me

February 19, 2021

Soon, Very Soon!

I'm truly excited that over the next day or so, our temperatures will hit anywhere from 5 to 10 above ~ in Celcius, our measure here in Canada. After being as low as ~ 48 in the last 10 days, this is going to feel like Spring! March is around the corner and the tiny bit of snow will have will soon be a memory. And then, the green will begin. Covid has been hard but being outside and working in our gardens, or sitting on our deck really helped from March until the snow arrived in November. Can't wait to get back out to the warmth and the green landscape once again. Until then, I will dream of sitting in my favorite chair (or on a window seat), with a cup of tea and my favorite book, gazing out at the pretty flowers and trees blooming. Soon, so very soon!

Today is officially my day off but I have one short meeting then we're off to town to do a few errands. Home for lunch then our radio show at 1 pm. I'm hoping to then head out for a little skate on our rink and then cozy up inside with some hot chocolate and the last few chapters of my book. I think there is a hockey game on tonight (I should pay attention to these details) so I'll likely end up either in a hot tub or in the art studio. Or cuddled in bed watching Netflix. Tomorrow is my kids' grief program in the morning with my team and the rest of the day is open. Sunday we have a board meeting in the afternoon. Not a big weekend but a lovely relaxed one. It's always fun to have lots of plans but it's just as nice to have weekends that are not packed. Do you agree?

                                      ~ Chy


Lorrie said...

I'm glad the weather is beginning to warm up for you. Your forecasted temps are about the same as ours, and we will have rain, too. It is nice to have some space in your schedule on the weekend. Enjoy!

Marie Smith said...

Weekends when you can go with the flow are perfect on occasion!

Betsy said...

It's supposed to get into the mid-30's F this weekend here. Then 45F on Monday before a bit of a cooldown again. I know what you mean about being able to be outside. It doesn't seem to be so bad under lockdown if you can just get outside.
Have a lovely weekend.