About Me

August 29, 2020

Btoken Toe.

I told our builder that I'd end up breaking a
toe on the curved part of our staircase one day.

And I did last week! The night before our music festival, 
so I had to do a bit of limping along. Broken toes hurt
like #@!! but there is nothing that can be done. No cast
maybe just a wrap but I find that hurts more, so I have
to just leave it be. A week later, it's less swollen and not
so purple. Next house build .... no curve in the staircase!

~ Chy


Phoebes World said...

Ouch!!!!! That looks painful! Hope it mends soon
Phoebe x

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Ooh, so sorry.
I had a broken toe once, the same little toe, it took weeks before I could tolerate a full shoe again.
Hope yours heals quickly.

Debi said...

I think that I have broken every one of my toes over the years. I usually tape the broken one to one of the ones next to it and that helps ease the pain a bit. But those little toes, boy do they hurt! Hope you heal fast!

Chy said...

Thank you Phoebe. It's healing well!

X Chy

Chy said...

Jo, it's just fine now. I'm so sorry to learn you've had a broken toe too! It's painful for sure.

Hugs to you as well!

X Chy

Chy said...

Yikes Debi! I can't imagine breaking each of them. I've done both my little toes a few times now. Thank you for the idea for taping. It did help!

X Chy