About Me

August 3, 2020

August Heat.

Dear Blogging Buddies. I hope where ever you
are, your sky is as blue as ours has been lately.

After so much rain for several months, we are
now on Day 4 of an uncomfortable heat wave.

The sky is amazing and it is lovely to not see dark
clouds all the time. But 4 days of this is a bit much.
I've had to battle 2 days of heat stroke but am on
the mend and catching up. We now need rain!

Ironic, isn't it? Too much rain and now too much
sun. On another note, before all this hot heat, I did
another coat of stain on our deck. Do you like how
the columns have turned out? They need one more
final coat, which I'll do once the weather evens out
again. Our decking is finally all coming together, 

We had to move our pots from the back deck,
which faces south and east, to the front veranda,
which faces west and is much cooler. They are
doing better now that the heat is later in the day.

Out sweet little potting shed, in the hazy late day
sun. I took clear pictures. The heat creates a mist.

At least our cottage stays nice and cool. Big eaves
and air conditioning that only goes on for a few
minutes in the morning and later before we go to
bed really help to keep the heat out. Truly the best
investment ever, even if we only use it for a short
time over the season. Hope you are staying cool too!

~ Chy


A Brit in Tennessee said...

Trying our best to stay cool, but August heat in the South is relentless.
Your porch columns look so pretty, and refreshed.
We have been painting porch rails for the past two weeks, not the best time of the year to undertake painting....
Be well !

Meredith said...

We are soooo hot here these days. It is oppressive just to walkout the door in the morning. Stay safe and no more heat stroke!

Karen said...

This summer has been a blistering one for sure. I am thankful we've had lots of rain along with the heat though. The garden has been just spectacular. I"m thankful we have a peaceful country patch to call home.