About Me

March 28, 2020

Dollhouse Sorting.

While we're working from home and living each moment,
I'm looking at all the different ways to fill time when we
have gaps. Taking time to rest and eat and work out for
sure as we aim to stay healthy and fit. But there are still
moments where I have energy but work is done for the
day. I've taken apart our art studio to re~organize it in a
better way. Part of that was sorting through the boxes
of dollhouse supplies, both building items and furniture.
I do have more to do but so far, I ended up condensing 8
boxes in to 4. I even had a box of items to donate or sell.
I love the bottom 2 pictures. We picked up that old box
from the charity shop, not knowing how handy it would
be for sorting and keeping small items neatly. Now it will
be easier to outfit each dollhouse as I finish them ~ 1 day!

~ Chy

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