About Me

February 29, 2016

Frosty Free Day.

You may have heard the term "Free Day"
today as the last day of February, in this
Leap Year, has arrived. In our neck of
the woods, it's chilly and frosty outside.

I woke up with a cold that started a bit
yesterday. After taking my grandson to
school, I drove to our other house to meet
our contractors, then made a quick trip to
the bank, filled my tank with gas and
mailed some letters. Headed home down
an icy highway, spent some time doing
laundry, vacuumed the whole house and
then I washed all the floors. That was my
complete morning and it took my energy.

So on this cold and frosty day, I created
a soft little zone on the couch, turned on
the tv and the fireplace, and here I sit, 
warm, cozy and tired, achy but happy
to have a sweet home and time to recover.
Not my original plan but I'll take it for now.

What did you plan for this "Free Day"
that we have been gifted this year?

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