About Me

September 26, 2020

Fresher Food.

We buy this coleslaw at least twice a
week but struggle to keep it truly fresh. 

I'm not a fan of plastic anything but this
week, we're going to try a new process.

Ziplock bag with the date clearly marked.
Now we can see the date and keep air out.

Bagged up strawberries, blueberries,
watermelons and tiny cucumbers too.

Hoping this "experiment" works well.
I hate throwing out food more than I
hate plastics, so a fine balance is in the
works now. Wish us luck for this week!

~ Chy


elizabeth said...

I use bags when I need to and wash them and reuse! When I can, I use my glass pyrex but plastic bags really have thier uses!

Chy said...

They do for sure Elizabeth!

X Chy