About Me

September 13, 2020

Right Here. Right Now.

 What I'm wearing .... my baby doll pj's.

What I'm reading .... Mary Trumps book .... almost done!

What's happening in my kitchen .... a bowl of lemons are waiting for the little guy and I to squeeze out all the juice in them tomorrow. He's very excited. 

What's outside my window .... leaves that are turning yellow and gentle rain following in the dark.

What I'm thankful for .... a negative Covid test for our little guy, who has a bit of a cold but has to still stay home from school all week, even though he's negative.

What I'm smelling .... the green apple candle we had burning tonight. Smells like Fall inside the cottage!

What I'm hearing .... Friends on tv. And dh turning the pages of his book. The show is on but no one appears to be watching ....

What I'm crafting .... a sweet little wooden tray that says "Gather" for our Thanksgiving table. Tomorrow I'll finish the last coat, then add the tiny wooden leaves and squirrels on the side. Just in time as Thanksgiving in Canada is the 2nd weekend in October this year.

What's on my mind .... I'm hoping the heating guy who is coming to give us a quote finds out why we're having some heating issues in the cottage. Thankful we're getting this looked at before the snow arrives.

Words to live by ....

Have a great week!

~ Chy


Debi said...

I hope things work out with your heating and that it isn't anything major. Can't wait to see your Thanksgiving project.

Chy said...

It's all working out Debi!

X Chy