About Me

September 4, 2020

Hello Fall ....

I'm so sad to see the end of Summer. We are still
hopeful for some warm weather over the next
month or so. But all of us have commented how
it already feels like Fall, even though there are
only a few yellow leaves here and there. The air
is crisp now in the morning and the sun definitely
is setting earlier and earlier each night. We had a
cloudy day yesterday and I actually turned on the
furnace for a while as it felt chilly in the cottage.
A cozy day to stay in and catch up on my work.

Today, I have a Zoom meeting and counselling
sessions but we have a little block of time to go
to the local landscaping company to order some
clay to fill in a low spot that this Winter will be
our skating rink. We're also going to look at a
few samples of stone to place around the flower
beds. As much as we've done since we moved
to the country, there is still lots to do. Our motto
is "a bit at a time" and it is lovely to now look
around and see our progress. Things are taking
shape and I love to now spend part of the cold
Winter dreaming up what we'll do next Spring.

I love Fall for so many reasons. When I was a
child, it was exciting to go back to school after
a long and lazy Summer. I love the changing
colors and crunching leaves. I love all the prep
to be ready for the long and cold Winter. I love
cleaning out the flower beds and our veggie
patch and turning the dirt, ready for the new
growth once the snow disappears. I love the
fires we have in our little stove and roasting
marshmallows while bundled up. I love that
the bugs have gone away but miss the birds on
our feeders. I love the idea of gathering books
to fill our nights and new paper to write letters.
I love the smells of the Season and the hot
drinks that fill our tea cupboard. All of this
coziness makes home even better and every
day I'm thankful for this place and space. It
is the best place to be as the weather changes.

Wishing you and your family and friends an
amazing Fall. Stay safe. Be well my buddies!

~ Chy

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