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March 26, 2021

Remembering Bretton~Elijah.

Tiny toes.

Mommy holding space.

Christmas candles.

Garden angels.

Birthday cake and his teddies.

Mommy and daddy at our Walk to Remember.

Twenty five years ago yesterday, on March 25th, 1996, we said hello and then goodbye to our sweet, precious baby Bretton~Elijah Lucas. He was and is our 5th child, our 3rd son and we miss him to the moon and back. Bretton was to be born at home but when I went in to labor in the middle of the night, far too early, we headed to the hospital at our midwife's urging. We were lovingly cared for but he was too tiny and that began our baby loss journey. Many will say that "time heals" but we know from our own experience that "time helps" but does not heal. We are proud to be Bretton's family and know that our legacy projects to help other baby loss families with our Centre and our programs is worth the time and effort. But every day, more than ever now, we do wish for him to be back in our arms, a grown up young man with a world of possibilities ahead of him, like his siblings. Bretton~Elijah Lucas. Remembered with love and tears, cupcakes and gifts, candles and memories. Gone too soon, loved and held in our hearts forever, never forgotten. 

With love and memory,


Granny Marigold said...

Such a beautiful post.

Debi said...

We suffered the loss of two babies and you are so right... time does help and you never forget. ((hugs))

Lorrie said...

A lovely post. We have four little grandchildren in heaven that we never got to meet. Time helps, but there is always sorrow. Hugs to you.

Betsy said...

This is such a lovely post. We also lost two babies and the memories never leave...thankfully. I never want to forget them. Someday I'll hold both in my arms and we'll never be parted again.
Blessings and hugs,

At Home In New Zealand said...

You are so right - time helps but it never heals. We never forget those we have loved and lost.
Sending you big hugz, Mxx

Meredith said...

This is hauntingly beautiful my friend. We never do forget. Sending you love.