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March 31, 2021

Hodgepodge Wednesday.

Joining in on Wednesday's Hodgepodge today, created by "From this Side of the Pond." Here are my responses:

1. The Hodgepodge lands on the last day of March .... in ten words or lest bid the month adieu. "In like a lamb. Out like a lamb." So happy we've had a warm and sunny month.

2. March 31st is National Tater Day .... your favorite way to have a potatoe? I made this one shorter from the original as I am deathly allergic to potatoes, so I have no opinion. Next!

3. Last time someone or something "rained on your parade." Explain. My baby loss support program website suddenly seems to not be accessible. Not sure if Wordpress is down or if we've been hacked. Rained on my parade? Yup! I was so on top of things and now this ....

4. Put all your eggs in one basket, get cracking, nest egg, bad egg, good egg, egg on, have egg on your face, or walk on eggshells. Choose a phrase from the list that applies to something in your life currently and tell us how or why. Nest egg is my word of choice. I love saving money for things we need, things we dream about and for emergencies, like Covid! It wasn't easy when we had a young family and there was always something we needed. But we still managed to ensure we saved each month, even if it was just a bit. So happy we did. Made life a bit easier to always have a "nest egg" to fall back on if needed. 

5. If I visited your home, would I find a lot of baskets there? Something you like to keep in a basket? We have a few baskets here and there. One for the mail. One for things like bills that have been paid but need to be filed. One basket for letters ~ received and to be written. One for books to be read. One for work that needs to be done or needs to go back in to the office. One for groceries. One for gardening tools. And about four for laundry (whites, darks, to be washed, to be put away). I love baskets for all these uses.

6. Insert your own random thought here. Enjoying our beautiful sunny days again after a very short Winter storm on Monday. It's helping to make my Spring Break a nicer experience. Lots to do but my task list is already shorter. 

Hope you'll join in on Hodgepodge Wednesday.

~ Chy


Willow said...

#2. Interesting. My dd is allergic to all nightshades. No peppers, tomatoes or potatoes for her.
Hurray for sunny days! I hope April treats us all well.

Susan said...

I use to have more basket, but I had to let some go when we moved to a smaller home. Happy Easter!

Chy said...

Willow, I'm also deathly allergic to tomatoes and peppers is also an allergy but mild compared to the others. I carry epiPens wherever we go. So many recipes and packaged food have p and t in them. Thanks for sharing your daughter's experience.

Loving these sunny days!

X Chy

Chy said...

Happy Easter to you as well Susan!

X Chy