About Me

June 26, 2020

This Guy ....

You see that guy beside me in the middle? I often
refer to him as "lovey", "Bear" (long story behind
that one) or "the daddy guy." To our kids, he started
out as "da da", then became "daddy" and is now
called "dad." To our sweet grand babies, he is also
affectionately know as "papa" though sometimes
our gs still calls him "baba" as he couldn't quite say
his "p's" for a while when he was quite young and
that nickname kind of stuck. This guy lives for us
and we are all so grateful for his love and hard work,
his VERY BAD dad jokes, and his very incredible
patience with all of us as we find our way. Really,
there are no adequate words so we'll just say LOVE.
This is how we honored this guy on Father's Day!

~ Chy

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