About Me

September 8, 2016

Breathe September #7: Nourish.

From the Merriam Webster Dictionary, the word Nourish is described as:

* to provide (someone or something) with food and other things that are needed to live, be healthy, etc.

* to cause (something) to develop or grow stronger.

What does Nourish mean to you? For me, I love the second line and know that in my daily life, no matter what kind of day it is, no matter the great experiences or the rough times, my intent is to always grow from life. To be better. To be stronger. To be responsible. And to change what is not good. To do that, I do need to Nourish my soul, my spirit, my being. At times, it's a tough task. At times, it seems silly to be feeding myself with food or activity, when I may feel I don't deserve that care and compassion. But because my day is spent in service to others, it is a vital act of kindness to be able to be present and healthy for those who depend on me for their own well being. 


I hope you do it well for yourself, each and every day. 



Cathy @ My 1929 Charmer said...

To me nourish has a spiritual connotation to it. Nourishing our minds, soul and body. A kind of renewal process to it all...

Chy said...

I agree Cathy. I love your words. Thanks for sharing!

Penny said...

Namaste Chy. Just back from my yoga class, so in the zone this evening! Nourishing mind body and soul, so important x

Chy said...

Oooh, love yoga. Glad you enjoy it too Penny!