About Me

January 23, 2013

The Warmth of Candles.

Once a month, our centre
hosts a Baby Loss Support Group.

The families who attend are fragile,
hurting, seeking, suffering ....
.... but always tell us they find comfort
in the company of others, the soft bears
on the table and the warmth of the
candles that glow thru the night.


Elizabethd said...

Thank you for your comments. You are in the giveaway.
I'm interested in your blog, having a daughter who lives in Northern BC, and having visited many times.

Softie said...

That is a really nice idea. Candles are so lovely.

Chy said...

Thank you Elizabeth! Can't wait to see who wins!!


Chy said...

We love how they warm the room and the hearts of our parents who attend. Thank you Softie!