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January 6, 2013

No Spend Days

We did this last year but did not do the best job of keeping track of them. Dh just downloaded Office for me before he went off to his rehearsal, so part of my afternoon at home by myself is to set up a series of spreadsheets for 2013. The first is our No Spend Days tracking sheets. The whole idea is that we will have set days that we will not spend anything on anything. We pay our bills online and usually do the whole month at once. We shop for food a couple of days a week - we like fresh, fresh, fresh. We buy gas once a week x two cars. Our mortgage payment and car payments come out automatically. It is our discretionary spending we need to work on. We are actually pretty good, compared to many but still want to do better.
So far, for 2013, this is what we have spent money on:
January 1st - No Spend Day - achieved as nothing was open!
January 2nd - Dh had to get gas to get to work. It was about $46 (including GST). Down from $56 as our gas has plummeted. Yeah!!
January 3rd - No Spend Day - we were both at work. No time to shop!
January 4th - Thrift Store trip. We spent $9.45 on clothes, all brand new, for our new granddaughter, including a wool dress from Old Navy, a Disney sweater, two warm hats and a hooded towel. We also found a little pink picture frame that says Baby, a larger frame, a fabric book, brand new in the bag, that turns into a backpack for a toddler for Beckett and two small storage bottles for my art studio. Pictures to follow. Groceries were
January 5th - new jeans for me, on sale for $15.48 (including GST), down from $50. I tend to wear my jeans until they wear out, so these will most likely last me at least 2 solid years. I am allowed to wear jeans at work, so this is a staple of my wardrobe. Not a bad deal at all! We also bought fondue fuel for $7.02 (including GST) and we spent $5.31 (including GST) at the Bulk Barn.
January 6th - No Spend Day - achieved as dh is at a rehearsal and I am at home!

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