About Me

April 24, 2020

Our Easter.

I just found this draft and had to start all over again as it became quite outdated! It was a short note about our Easter. I'm rewriting it today to share how this first holiday under quarantine went. Below are pictures of dinner. Just 4 of us at the table this year. Our son and daughter~in~law to be were supposed to be here from the West Coast. We hoped our son, daughter~in~law and granddaughter could have visited from the Big City. And our little guy, the grandson should have been at the table too. Maybe even my mom would have been here, though it's harder now to bring her home from care as her dementia progresses. At the most, we would have had 11 with just our family and maybe 1 more as we often like to invite a friend or 2 for our holiday dinners. Instead, it was just the 4 of us. We had fun, but it was hard too, to be missing so many and to know at the same time how lucky we were on that day and on this day too, to be safe and well. Many others are dealing with illness, death, grief, homelessness, no job and a scary future. We are donating, helping out as much as we can and hope this has an ending that includes a cure and no future outbreaks. 

Pictures of our tiny dinner.
We all contributed together.

I "shopped" the house for Spring
items and our tiny lambs and candles.

We had a roasted ham, with pineapple
sauce, green peas, coleslaw, potatoes,
pickles and some yummy deserts. All
our favorites for this Easter Dinner.

Rice Krispie cake and flower~shaped cakes
with icing and Easter eggs on top. So good!

Do you celebrate Easter Dinner?
Was it different from last year?

~ Chy


wisps of words said...

Lovely Celebration...

Nope, nothing here. But we don't usually gather as a family on Easter anyway. Thanksgiving and Christmas, we do have family dinner.

Sunny today, and warm. But rain, showers and possible snow coming. Soooo, enjoy today!!!

Open soon, please.
Healthy and Young
go back to work.

Debi said...

Your table looks lovely and your dinner looks delcious! Our Easter dinner was just hubby and I and we usually have at least nine other people here.

Chy said...

We had some rain yesterday and hoping for a bit more through the week to get rid of the dust. Planting season is just around the corner. Can't wait! Thanks for your kind words Wisps!

X Chy

Chy said...

Debi, thank you for your sweet words. We had a lovely day, though with 4 of us, as fun as it was, we were missing everyone else for sure. Just as you were. Happy to be home and safe and well. Hoping this works and we can have a lovely gathering for Thanksgiving in October.

Have a great Sunday!

X Chy