About Me

February 27, 2018

Spider Babies.

I've never had a green thumb. Growing up, my mom didn't have any plants in our house, our garden consisted of green grass but rarely any flowers. When my parents finally built a house when I was 14, I heard lots of chatter about finally having nice flower beds and even a veggie garden. But all we got was a fenced yard with green grass and one tree in the back and green grass and a dirt flower bed in the front. When we bought our first house, there were perennials and I was able to learn how to grow great outdoor gardens, slowly and then building on my experiences. Inside, however, was always a challenge. I would buy plants that were healthy and within a short time, they would die off. I chalked it up to not having a good sense of plant care but realize now that didn't make sense as my outdoor gardens were a success. So it had to be something else. What, though, I didn't know. 

Our new house seems to have answered though this great mystery. Here we have a new and well functioning ventilation system, a lovely humidifier on the furnace and a ton of windows so our light is natural and abundant. I now have a little collection of 20 plants that I've managed to keep alive for the 2 years we've been here. And not only are they alive, but they are thriving! I've had to repot a few times as they all keep growing so well. My spider plant has sprouted "spider babies" and recently I tried to see if I could get those babies to root for my plants. I carefully pulled them off the mother plant and then placed them in water in on my writing desk in the window. And look what I have now .... tiny buds with a great root system. I have to go in to town to get another plant pot or two as I've run out. So excited to have tried this and the reward has been worth the time and effort. Now I've got 2 other plants that need to be split and 2 more outgrowing their pots. Loving that they each seem to have grown so well in our new house. Great light and healthy ventilation were obviously the issues at our other homes as this is the only things different from those houses to this one. Wish I had figured that out years ago ~ I feel like such a plant killer!

Do you have a green thumb?
Do plants do well in your home?


Granny Marigold said...

Spider plants are such easy-to-please plants! Mine got very old and the babies were sparse so I threw it out and am starting over with a new one. I have reasonably good success with house plants but have limited room for sun lovers. ( Never mind the fact that for 6 months of the year there is hardly any sunshine).

Chy said...

I now have 2 fairly good sized spider plants and now these tiny babies. I'll likely repot this week ~ searching for pots and containers. We may have lots of snow in Alberta this year (so much more than other years) but one thing we always have is lots of sunshine!

Have a great week!!

X Chy