As some of you may have read in my previous posts, we recently acquired our "quaint" shed. Our landscape designer was very clear that we really could just have any old metal shed but that we need to find something that would stand out and be a good fit for the acreage. So this is what we came up with. I haven't sent her any pictures or had her come over yet to see it. Very excited for her to see it. And hope she loves it as much as we truly do.
The pink potting shed/playhouse/garden ~ tool hut in it's original color of bright pink. I knew the second I saw it that it would not stay pink. Figuring out what color to paint it was bit challenging but in the end, I love what we ended up choosing. Just the right shade of the right color.
And in it's new hue of radiance .... our little guy was not impressed. He really liked the pink! Now he says it's dark but we really like that it matches the big house.
There will be more progress over the long weekend .... painting, sawing, gluing, hammering .... I'll do more updates as we go. This project has been a lot of fun so far. We're half way there and loving it making it truly ours.