About Me

May 20, 2014

Which is worse?

Being "unfriended" on Facebook?

Or having someone delete their name off my list of followers? A faithful reader, now lost forever.

Ouch! Well, I've been unfriended on Facebook and now I've been deleted from a follower. And I didn't like either. But for some reason, being deleted by a blog reader feels a whole lot worse to me than being unfriended on a social media site. 

Not sure if it was my post on being, finally, after all these years, mortgage free. Or maybe it's my not so great photography skills. Boring posts? Not great fonts or graphics? My sunny disposition? My whiney complaints? Too few posts? Too many?

A short note to say "hey, I don't like your blog anymore" would have at least given me a reason why and a chance to fix whatever turned that person off. Now I can't fix whatever the issue was, as I don't know what it was!

I'm sorry to the person who decided to delete me. But thank you for the time you were here. Perhaps, our blogs will cross paths again in the future!


Cheapchick said...

I sometimes think people follow you just to get you to follow them then the unfollow you. I only follow and put blogs on my blog of those I actually read. Don't let it get to you.

Lorrie said...

I'll second Cheapchick's comment - those who read your blog will follow you, others won't. I've unfollowed a few blogs over the years - the list just gets too long and my reading tastes change. I wouldn't take it personally.

Chy said...

Thanks CC! I was slightly taken back, wrote a blurb and let it go! I'm learning that my sensitive soul will always want to be embraced by all but reality isn't always going to be picture perfect!

Chy said...

I agree Lorrie. I so want to attack more readers, so losing one felt so awful with my tiny list. But on we go! And hope more will join in in time. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

~Carla~ said...

Oh i'm sure i've been "unfollowed" many, many times! lol!! But I don't care... perhaps if it were my best friend i'd be upset, but some random? Nope... don't care. ;) But where are you on FB? I"d love to "follow/friend" you! :)

Chy said...

Thanks Carla! I should create a FB page for the blog. I have a personal one and will send that to you if you'd like.

Julie said...

Hey Chy - thanks for stopping by my blog. You have a new friend and follower now. xo J

Chy said...

As do you today, Julie. Thank you for stopping by as well!

Chy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chy said...

Ooops! My comment to Julie posted twice. Now deleted.

RURAL said...

Chy, I wouldn't take it personally, I've followed, and lost followers sometimes tastes change. I've had people I regularly correspond with on my blog unfollow me..we somehow lose touch, it's all part of blogging.

I would love to put you on the list, send me a blurb telling me what you like to blog about if you get a chance.


Chy said...

Hi Jen. Thank you for stopping over to visit. I would love to be included on the list and will send you a quick note. Thanks for the opportunity!