About Me

December 3, 2023

Right Here. Right Now.


What I'm wearing .... jammies. A busy day that started late so we could sleep in a bit.

What I'm reading .... more magazines. Trying to catch up!

What's happening in my kitchen .... dishwasher is humming.

What's outside my window .... some wind, but now the sun is set so for some reason, it sounds so much louder than during the day.

What I'm thankful for .... my family, my home, my friends and our community. 

What I'm smelling .... popcorn for our snack. Mmmm!

What I'm hearing .... dh is watching dg's hockey game on his tablet while I type away. Quiet night for us.

What I'm crafting .... nothing at the moment. Some Lego and working on making sure my scars are healing.

What's on my mind .... recovery, what's next, Christmas and my sweet family.

Words to live by .... a Christmas quote I found that I resonate with. To me, it is a season not a day but I always believe it is a state of mind. Enjoy!

Having an amazing week!

~ Chy

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