About Me

November 19, 2023

Right Here. Right Now.


What I'm wearing .... soft gold cords, a lighter gold colored sweater and warm, wooly socks. Braids for tomorrow ~ my hair will be all curly when I wake up and it's dry.

What I'm reading .... research in the moment on ADHD/OCD.

What's happening in my kitchen .... though it is dh's birthday, he's busy in the kitchen creating us an amazing Sunday dinner. He wouldn't let me help as I'm just 10 days out from my surgery and we spent some time in town today. So now he's making me rest on the couch while he makes scrumptious food. So excited for dinner tonight!

What's outside my window .... dh just turned on the Christmas lights outside and I can see the inflatables are slowing coming to life. Looking good for this year.

What I'm thankful for .... my family, my home, my friends and our community. And I'll add an amazing surgeon!

What I'm smelling .... dinner cooking and the fresh laundry we just folded. Everything smells so heavenly!

What I'm hearing .... the Grey Cup game is on. Not our team but we're waiting for the half time show to see Green Day perform. Not sure we'll keep watching after.

What I'm crafting .... Christmas decor to fill the cottage.

What's on my mind .... my next class tomorrow, the presentation dh has to make on Tuesday to our County Council, the Middle East conflict, and how our budget is doing. I haven't really checked much since my surgery so tomorrow, during the breaks, I'll be logging on to see if our banking is still in line as I left it, prior to surgery.

Words to live by .... sweet, very timely personal quote above. 

Having an amazing week!

~ Chy

1 comment:

Linda said...

Happy belated birthday to your husband and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!