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July 4, 2021

We have Hemp.

Our weather has cooled but the promised rain for our region has been fleeting. I was really hoping our rain barrels would get replenished as we had to use them a lot all week to try and keep our gardens hydrating. But so far, with the bit of rain we've had, they're only sitting at half full. Hoping that the rain for this afternoon is good and the 2 to 4 days coming up over the next week produce lots. A dry Summer would not be good. The threat of fires really scares me.

I was capturing some of the wild flowers in our garden last night and realized that this plant is spreading all over. We had a bit last year in one spot but now it's down the whole front and I'm in love! Thankfully today someone posted on our FB gardening board asking what it is, so now I have an answer. It's called Hemp Dogbane and it's NOT invasive or noxious. I always worry about what we'll grow each year in the wild as our neighbor next door has a few times given me wrong info. He told me our White and Purple Daisies were the noxious weed ones, so I started pulling them. But we had a County guy out here after a number of conversations with said neighbor, who clearly doesn't like that we have let the area in our forest remain wild. His is neatly trimmed and ours is "wild" though where we have our gardens and grass is neat. This is what we've always envisioned and as much as I respect him, we're hidden away back here and I don't feel he has the right to force us to manage our land the way he does. I'm so glad the County was open to showing us what was invasive and relieved to learn that the only 2 items we have to control are Thistles and Horsetail. And those aren't everywhere, just in a few spots. The County guy was "pull them if you like but they are harming anything." We do pull as they come up and the Thistles are pretty controlled but the Horsetail is all over the subdivision and it' clearly not going away anytime soon. So my Daisies are okay, and all the purple flowers are NOT Creeping Bellflower but in fact, Purple Vetch. Yes, victory!

Two weeks from today, we'll be tired but happy as our Music Festival will be done for another year. First year was outside and amazing, 2nd year was Covid but we didn't cancel ~ offered an online virtual experience that went so well, and this year, we'll do both. A small audience as per guidelines and online virtual at the same time. As far as I know, we are the first Festival this Summer and the only one providing both options. Great lineup, wonderful volunteers and excited community members. The next 2 weeks will be busy but worth the time and effort. Today, we're working outside for a bit this morning, then in for showers, and hope by then the rain will fall. Our plan for the afternoon is to put on a movie and work on the website, send out our newest posters, update the volunteer list and ensure all our artists are ready to go. We hope in 2022 to be back to a big outdoor Festival. But so thankful we've kept our momentum going with these mini versions that have been so well received. Dinner and a quiet night before a very busy week. 

Wishing you a beautiful and safe week.
And Happy July 4th to my U.S. buddies!

~ Chy


Lorrie said...

Wildflowers can be so pretty. I would keep land wild, too, especially outside of the city and in the forest.
I hope the music festival goes well.

Chy said...

Thank you Lorrie! We're excited for our Festival too. Seems strange that in 2 weeks, it will be all done after working on it for a year.

We love our wild land. It will always be tame around the cottage but in the forest, wild, wild, wild ....

X Chy