About Me

July 5, 2021

Right Here. Right Now.


What I'm wearing .... light green leggings with a ribbon bottom, light rose tank top, with a light teal blue cotton tank over top and bare feet. Messy but clean hair, with one long braid on my right side. One necklace and one bracelet.

What I'm reading .... still reading the same book. I'm slow ....

What's happening in my kitchen .... quiet for now but dinner will be starting soon. No idea what it will be, just yet.

What's outside my window .... dark clouds .... really hoping for rain! We are dreaming and wishing for the drops to start.

What I'm thankful for .... the heat wave has ended but now everything is tinder dry and we need tons of rain ....

What I'm smelling .... the new candle I may light later. A pink rose with a light scent. Just smelling it is relaxing. 

What I'm hearing .... Coronation Street on the tv. Our favorite! Lots of action these days. Our break each day.

What I'm crafting .... ordered the windows for the dollhouse.

What's on my mind .... the busy week ahead. But I'm ready for it .... organized by my very bright sticky notes ....

Words to live by .... see the sweet quote and graphic above. 

Namaste, my blogging buddies.

~ Chy

1 comment:

Debi said...

I hope your busy week is productive! And I hope you get the rain you are hoping for! Have a great week.