About Me

July 3, 2021

Blush Rose.

In response to my June 30th post about Canada Day and our dilemma, our day ended up being quite chill. To honor the children who have died in the residential school system, we chose to stay at home and not participate in the activities that were available throughout the day and the evening. We chose to not hang our flag up on the veranda for this year. We chose to be still and reflect, to ask questions and share, and to be home, where we always feel safe and secure. It was interesting to go on FB yesterday and see that it was a very quiet day, that many did just as we did, and for those that did venture out to activities, they participated with our Indigenous community. It was beautiful to see and made my heart feel slightly healed. We have a long way to go. This will not be likely solved and resolved in my lifetime. But I have hope for my kids and grandkids that better days are ahead, that wounds will be healed, and hearts will guide us as we seek justice and peace. I hope whatever you and your family chose to do on Canada Day was meaningful to you. Our Canada is amazing and we have much to learn from this experience that has gone on far too long. Namaste to all.

My little rose bush has produced some pretty buds this year. A Morden Blush, we only got 2 roses last year but this year, so far, we've had 4 and more are on their way. Patience is a virtue is a lesson that I'm learning in being a new gardener. My 2nd little rose bush on the other side of the flower bed has had a couple of roses pop up and many little buds so I'm quiet hopeful this year will be a great "rose year" for us. 

I'm off to finish up some work in the garden.
It's never ending but also so enlightening.

~ Chy

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Such horrible news about all those little ones, we all have horrible things that our countries have to account for. We have slavery, and certainly horrible amounts of deaths and property stolen from Native Americans. We still have such inequality, excessive amounts of death of black youth due to gun violence. IT seems to never end, yet we must come to terms with who we were and now who we are and do better. So glad you were quiet and reflective, Americans are not ever quiet or reflective, just noisy and in your face firing off fireworks for days and days.