About Me

December 25, 2018

From OLHITBW ....

From our Little House in the Big Woods to
your home, wherever you are, we wish you
and your family a very Merry Christmas.
 And all the best for the New Year. We send
along blessings for good health, good cheer and
a year of beautiful friendships and adventures.

~ Chy


HappyK said...

I wish the same to you from our house in the woods too. : )
Merry Christmas.

Granny Marigold said...

Thanks! I hope your Christmas was a happy one!

Anne in the kitchen said...

I hope yours was a merry one. Wishing you the best for the new year also!

Chy said...

Thank you so much Happyone! We had an amazing day and I hope all my blog buddies did as well! X Chy

Chy said...

It was amazing Granny! I shall write about it over the next few days. X Chy

Chy said...

Thank you Anne. Wishing you and your family a beautiful and Happy New Year! X Chy