About Me

February 15, 2015

More Choices.

This is a long weekend here in sunny Alberta. We
have spent most of our weekend painting & packing,
plumbing the new sink for the kids bathroom &
purging more items that we no longer need. Lots of
work but all good stuff! Our little guy is away on a
visit with his dad, daughters are off to a movie & dh
is now at his hockey game. What am I doing? Well,
I'm surrounded by boxes that are packed, ready to go
down to our storage room until we move, boxes that
are packed, ready to go to the charity shop & empty
boxes, waiting for their contents. Cozy on the couch,
I'm trying to decide which railings to choose before
our builder asks for our decision later this week.

We have a couple of spots where railings need to be
installed, including the staircase going upstairs. I
love this as we gave it a nice twist at the bottom,
& the railings will add a lot of character here.

Just a short run at the top of the stairs.
You'll see both sets at different angles.

The "Juliet" balcony will also have
a run that will match the curve design.

Love this space. Can't wait to see it
all finished with the railings in place.

Now back to the choices.
So many to choose from.

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