About Me

July 2, 2014

Fingers crossed!

Hi everyone!
Twenty seven years ago, our region was hit by an F4 tornado, a surprise in a community that had never experienced one before that day, dubbed "Black Friday". Twenty seven people were killed, hundreds injured, homes and businesses destroyed, and over $500 million in damages. A scary, heartbreaking day.

Those of us who lived through the terror of that day still get antsy when big storms pop up. Tonight, we're on "alert" as the conditions are just right for the predicted storm to turn into a tornado. Please keep our region in your thoughts and blessings as we wait out what  may or may not come our way. Fingers crossed it gets downgraded and the guess is wrong!


Lorrie said...

I will pray that the storm abates. Once you've experienced something like that, a bit of nervousness remains. Stay safe.

Chy said...

I've got our "tornado box" packed up, with is a few items that could never be replaced. Anything else in the house is covered by insurance but these few items are too precious to lose. Our home wasn't damaged in the first big tornado but it's always made us wary now when the sky is dark and the wind picks up. Good news of the day ~ the warning was just downgraded, so we can breathe easier now. Thank you for your prayers!