About Me

July 27, 2019

Birthday Girl.

This sweet baby had a birthday on the
11th of July. Our first born and feistiest!

We found huge cupcakes (her favorite)
and sparklers for the each one to light.

Later on the weekend, we had ice cream
cake, another sweet favorite for all of us.

The sparklers were super bright and in the end, we
didn't light all of them for fear the alarm would go off!

My choice: strawberry cheesecake with chocolate
swirls on top. So delicious but so very filling!

~ Chy


Granny Marigold said...

Happy Birthday to your eldest!!
Those cupcakes look so good !

HappyK said...

A very Happy Birthday to your daughter.
Delicious looking cupcakes. I could go for one right about now! : )

Chy said...

Thank you Granny! They were sooooo good!!

X Chy

Chy said...

Happyone, they did not last long! Gone in a flash!

X Chy