About Me

August 26, 2018

Show End.

Our show ended yesterday afternoon. It was another great performance and we're all feeling really good about the rehearsals, the fundraising, the long hours, the physical work and the run. Our best show ever at the Fringe. After we ended, we all walked over to a local pub for a final drink together and the conversation (after the speeches and gifts were delivered) quickly turned to next year's production. Lots of options and great excitement surrounded us. Such a great team.

In time, some of the cast had to leave, so a smaller group of us retreated to our favorite pub but unfortunately, it was after 4 p.m. and our little guy wasn't able to be in the pub. So we went next door to another pub we've never been to. We now have a new favorite spot to spend time in. Pictures and commentary to follow. For now, I've posted a pic of the cooler and white chocolate I love to indulge in after a very big event. My "go to" treats for a job truly well done!

We got home later in the evening, full of good food, good cheer and great memories. It wasn't long before we found ourselves closing our eyes while watching a show on tv so up to bed we went. And woke up over 12 hours later this morning. We were tired! This morning we've lounged a bit in bed, watching a few episodes of "Escape to the Country" and munching on raspberry toast. We plan to do a bit of gardening today if the weather holds out (its cloudy and rain is predicted) and then a trek in the City to stock our booth at the Antique Mall ~ we've been selling quite a bit this month and we need to fill in the empty spaces. Then home for dinner and a bit more snuggling down to rest as this will be a very busy and active week. Lots to do before Fall hits our region. 

What are your plans on this quiet Sunday?
Do you have a busy week coming up?


Meredith said...

So glad the show was a success.

Chy said...

Thank you Meredith. It was so worth all the work! Looking forward to a nice break and then planning for next year's production. X Chy