About Me

November 29, 2017

Scrumptious ....

Shrimp, Dip and Risotto .... the best 
dinner ever! I could eat this every day.

November 20th.

November 20th was National
Day of the Child in Canada.

A day to recognize all the
children in our community.

 A chance to celebrate and
create awareness everywhere.

A day I got to share with the
preschoolers in our preschool.

November 27, 2017

Happy Monday.

Truthfully, I love Mondays. Weird, I
know! But it's my high energy day and
the one day a week I'm not thinking
about my hospice work and my centre
work. A day to do what I want to do
and what I need to do. Enjoy yours.

November 26, 2017

Winter Sunset.

Our tiny garden shed in the Winter
sunset. Frosty, quiet and so pretty.

November 25, 2017

Project Copycat.

Last year at the Antique Mall, one of
the vendors brought in this amazing old
radio. I loved it but declined to buy it
because we have an old radio in our
garage, just waiting to be copied and
painted up with chalk paint. Now that
we have dh's workshop all set up, it will
soon be time to do some sanding and
then painting and waxing to get our
old radio to look like this master piece.

Office Bookcase.

 I have a great bookcase at my
hospice office. It's always full.

Grief books for all ages, teddies
for my grieving kids, tea cups for my
tea, soup bowl for my soup, a plate
for my lunch and a spot for thank you's.

November 24, 2017

Shovelled Path.

Our little path from our front door to
our driveway is round and heavy with
thick snow. Fun to shovel it as we create a
curvy shape to match the stepping stones.

Winter Tree.

Our little caragana tree we planted in
the Fall is now covered in ice. I'm a bit
worried it won't bloom in the Spring
but the nursery tells me it will be just fine.

My cake ....

My birthday is coming up next week
and I've put in a request for this lovely
strawberry cheesecake. Looks so good.
Hoping my "hints" to my family work.

"You the Man" ....

Dh celebrated another journey
around the sun last week ....

We went with a funny "moustache"
theme this year. He picked his cake.

But he had no idea we had a theme
until the gifts came out. Too funny!

November 20, 2017

Family Day.

 We all had this past week off from school and
work. Our original plans went sideways ....

.... but that's a long post for another day. We ended
up taking a few days off from the chaos to have fun.

Christmas shopping and yummy lunch with our
girls. It was so good to have a break and laugh.

I miss ....

The snow has made everything so
stark and quiet, bare and noiseless.

I miss the leaves that hide our house in
the forest. I miss the sound of the wind
blowing through the trees. I miss the hot
sun warming out souls. I miss Summer.

November 17, 2017

Our Winter Garden.

 As pretty as the snow is right now, I
much prefer a greener landscape.

In the Spring, we're going to start
to plant some cedars and firs so that
there will be green all year long,
once the leaves fall from the trees.

Our little garden bench, looking lost
and forlorn in the bitter cold wind.

Our perennials are now buried deep
beneath a white blanket until Spring.

And our tiny little teeter totters are still
happily "playing" away despite the cold.

Is there snow in your region?
Do you miss your garden like me?

November 11, 2017

A Lifetime ....

In our arms for a brief moment.
In our hearts forever and ever.

November 1, 2017

Hello November.

You bring us closer to actual Winter
and the Christmas Season. Lots of
birthdays in our home this month.
And so much to be thankful for.