About Me

February 28, 2024

Homemade Cookies.


Baking homemade cookies is something
I don't do very much anymore. Part of it
is time ~ when I was a mom at home,
baking fit in to my day with my littles.
But now they're grown, life is so busy
with work and projects, and cookies
have taken a back seat without littles
in the cottage to gobble them all down.
I was excited last week with our "down
the lane neighbors" coming for dinner as
they have 3 kids and the cookies would
be so needed. They loved them and I
did send home some goodie bags. The
cookies were a hit but I wish I had sent
home more as we still have cookies a
full week later! Next time, more will go!

Do you like baking homemade cookies?

~ Chy

1 comment:

Debi said...

I make cookies every week or so. I like to have them on hand for when the grandchildren visit. I usually put a dozen in the cookie jar and freeze the rest. Often times the freezer cookies go to my son who has two teenage boys who love cookies! Hubby and I take a "coffee break" everyday around 3:00 and we have a cookie (or two) with our coffee or tea.