About Me

February 25, 2024

Right Here. Right Now.

What I'm wearing .... my clean but ripped jeans, a warm Winter sweater in light green, light gold and ivory. Matching socks, hair loose, my new Celtic necklace and my earrings.

What I'm reading .... still reading ADHD 2.0. I can only do one chapter at a time but it's a good read.

What's happening in my kitchen .... dinner is done but so magnificent tonight. Now the dishwasher is on and the only light is the one over the range.

What's outside my window .... we are in the middle of a true blizzard. Finally, a Winter storm! It was supposed to start late tonight and last thru the next 24 to 48 hours. But it started this afternoon, when I was out at a meeting for our gala event in the Fall. It got so bad, we all left a bit early to travel home safely before it became impossible to see. I struggled a bit and my 10 minute commute quickly became 20 minutes. The fog, the blowing snow and the light made it hard, but thankfully, there was very little traffic and I took the back roads home to avoid the highway. Today, I visited a friend for signatures on our society bank account, then drove over to visit my mom and take in some supplies as we won't be coming in to town all week, then stopped at our office to drop off paycheques, then to the meeting. I left at 1 pm, and was home by 4 pm, with the snow was piling up.

What I'm thankful for .... my family, my home, my friends and our community. Feeling blessed, safe and loved. And so thankful to be home after a scary drive home in the snow.

What I'm smelling .... the scent from fresh folded laundry.

What I'm hearing .... the dishwasher making our dishes sparkle! We had to wash dishes by hand for years, so I'm still so thankful for this hard working appliance.

What I'm crafting .... nothing today but I do plan to work on Cary's IG account this week and style out her little closet. Her pile of clothing and boots is starting to take over her space and I need more hangers. But for now, I'll try to get everything back in her little clothes cabinet.

What's on my mind .... my mom's health, the many projects we're working on, announcements that need to be made this week, and our big anniversary in the Summer. A mix of good, exciting, not so great and lots of hard work coming up!

Words to live by .... the quote for today is above. I found this on FB and plan to take it and create a sign for our office. So sweet! Hope you enjoy this week's quote.

Having an amazing week!

~ Chy 

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